Monday, September 10, 2012

WIP: Baby Cradle

Hello, friends! I know it's been a while, hasn't it?! What an insane month+ it's been too. I still want to share photos from my road trip back to California with my mom but another time. I've been busy here trying to get settled and set up for baby. It's been a whirlwind to be sure. 

I have been in major nest zone and dying to make. Last week I added to my etsy shop including 3 new checkbook covers. On the baby front I washed all of his teeny new clothes. This weekend was my first without plans since I've been back and I wanted to spend time working on my baby project list.

I mentioned on my list that I got to decorate this cradle (I previously referred to it as a bassinet) and I've been so anxious to get to it!! My papa made this for my uncle over 36 years ago and I was the 2nd in a long line of cousins to use it. Usually my grandma decorates it but she wanted me to decorate it in my own style. I couldn't be more thrilled to oblige. It came to me completely white and the first thing I did after touching up a few spots was to go pick out fabric for the mattress pad. I wanted to choose the fabric first so I would know how to paint it and it what colors. I chose this adorable animal print initially. I must really be into these colors right now because I had just picked up paint in the right colors only about a week before! I spent most of yesterday painting the end of the cradle with plans to paint a [relative] copy on the other end.

I couldn't get this apple green chenille fabric I saw at Joann's out of my head, so I asked my mom what she thought about me doing a quilt style for the top of the mattress cover. We ended up back at Joann's to pick it up and also selected a green polka dot flannel and aqua textured satin fabric. The two covers I already had (and will use as back ups) were made in the style of a pillowcase so I basically just copied that. Afterward I got to thinking I should have made it in the style of this pillow I made years ago because it's a snugger fit and just overlaps in the back but that's ok.. I'm happy with the way this turned out. 

My mom suggested that I write his name on the inside of the headboard which I've just done today. There are still a few finishing touches I want to make on it and then I'll be sure to share the final result! With scrap fabric today I made a matching lovey (it's super cute!). It just needs the binding which I have yet to purchase. I'm loving the way everything has turned out so far! ♥

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