Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Getting Organized

In all of my perusing and pinning on Pinterest, I've become somewhat obsessed with the idea of getting organized. I've done things similar in years passed for my photography business and I've also kept a lock box of important personal paperwork and documents (pay stubs, past taxes, contracts, and the like). With the baby coming soon and so much happening in our lives over the next 6+ months I think it's really important for me to stay on top of everything, so I decided to get "set up for success" now. Some of my goals in this are lofty, I know, and if I need to adapt them then I will when the time comes.
I've been thinking a lot about my business in regards to marketing and planning for the new year. There are so many transitions that will be taking place personally in the coming months and sacrifices that will have to be made. I am anxious and excited to see how everything plays out - so many great things ahead! 

Yesterday I went to Target to pick up a few things for my organization project. I plan to use this "DO WHAT U LOVE TO DO" notebook to jot down my many ideas and goals. I have divided the pages and tabbed them "photography", "design", "home", "blog", and "goals". Pictured below that is my 2013 day planner. For the last several years I've used an academic planner from Barnes & Noble. It measured 6 x 9 or so and was spiral bound with two pockets to stick random papers. I was very happy with it. Then, this year, I got this planner. It isn't spiral bound so it doesn't lie flat but the writing spaces are large which I like. I mostly just bought it because it was pink and gold. ;) I am partial to paper planners and don't imagine that changing anytime soon. I actually do enjoy carrying my planner around and writing in it. 

For my 2013 planner I bought the 2013 Fiona Weekly/Monthly CYO Planner 8.5 x 11 from Target. It's larger than I normally use but I needed it to serve two purposes. First, I wanted a planner with the full month view to use as a "blog planner" and second, I wanted each month broken down by weeks for my day to day scheduling. I really liked this blog planning idea on The Dainty Squid and think it will work well for me. I like the flexibility of writing post themes/ideas/titles on individual post-its and laying them out a month or so at a time. I have a lot of ideas for my blog which will include more consistent posting (yes, I realize I'll also have a newborn) and regular post themes. I'm very excited!
I recently came across this Home Management Binder by A Bowl Full of Lemons and I love it! It's something I can definitely imagine putting together for my family sometime next year. For now I wanted to use the same idea to create a binder that would help me organize a very important and currently discombobulated area of my life - my finances. It's hard to tell in that first photo but for the last two months I've been compiling important paperwork and bills all together in one giant plastic envelope. It's making it very difficult for me to see the big picture and to keep track of even the little things. Having no system just isn't working for me anymore!
At Target I found this binder on clearance for $2.50. Can't beat that! I also purchased this pink see-through zipper pouch, dividers, and sticky tabs that can be labeled. To do this project you also need a 3 ring hole punch, label maker (optional), and pens. My favorites are Le Pen and can be found at Paper Source. (A big thank you to my love for buying me a bunch of new ones and sending them to me last week!) You can use any pens but I love the fine felt tip these have, the colors, and that they last a long time even if you write a lot, which I do!
The first thing I did was figure out what I wanted in the different sections and created labels for them to put on the dividers. The first section is titled "trackers", the second, "bills", and so on. The set I bought came with 5 dividers and I will most likely need to get more in the future. For the time being, if it isn't a frequently used/needed section I've filed those away in my lock box. I purchased the Budget & Bill Pay Kit from CleanMamaPrintables on Etsy and put each of those under "trackers". I have yet to fill them out and get started with them but am really looking forward to. The kit provides a monthly budget worksheet, receipt tracker (something I've never kept track of. Shame, shame.), debt tracker, monthly savings tracker, and two separate bill and payment checklists. In the second section, "bills" I've used the sticky tabs to label all the different bills that I have, both per month and one time in the case of certain medical bills.

I'm really happy with the way this binder is coming together. There are still a few things I would like to add. I will need to add another zipper pouch for current month receipts before filing them away. I also need to pickup a pack of baseball card sheets to hold important business and contact cards. I need to create a sheet of important numbers/contacts regarding my bills and/or benefits as well as call sheets for each of them. I've realized how easy it is to get overwhelmed with it all and that wires get crossed all the time. I know that I need to start keeping better track of communications regarding these important matters.
I feel like things are starting to come together in a way that will make some of these transitions a little bit easier on us. I've been keeping a running list of reminders on my iPhone and have diligently been working down it for the last several weeks. Any tips on staying organized? Seen any great printables out there for either the contact or call sheets?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Bits + Pieces

Inspired by one of my favorite blogs, Bleubird Vintage, I've decided to adopt her weekly photo wrap up: bits + pieces. This week was a full but good week that also included a couple lazy days which are not pictured. I'll spare you photos of me in pajamas and my hair a hot mess. You're welcome. 1. The sunset from South Ponto Beach in Carlsbad, California. 2. I can never resist a foot shot at the beach and this beach offered quite the selection of pebbles. 3. Midweek Nana (my mom) and I took my nephew to the pumpkin patch at the mall. He loves sharks and they had a big shark bounce slide which was what he was pointing to. 4. Pumpkins! We didn't buy any there because we'd bought several from church last Sunday. I'm really looking forward to carving them next week and baking the seeds. Yum! 5. They had a surprisingly large petting zoo under a red tent. I was brave enough to pet the huge sheep on his sides and the two tiny goats but I stayed clear of all the birds, especially the turkey! 

I'm off to make my last little venture before baby which will include a Halloween costume party and another surprise I can't wait to share! Have a great weekend, ya'll! ♥

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

TWO Cute! | Temecula, California

My nephew turned 2 earlier this month. I've been wanting to get out and do a photo session with him for his birthday and this week presented the perfect opportunity! His mommy is in Las Vegas for a work related conference so Nana is watching him during the day. Yesterday we picked up a few props, selected his outifts, and decided on a location. This morning we headed to Old Town Temecula for his mini session. I'm totally partial, but he could not have been any cuter!* I hope you like them, Aimee!

Dear Bean,

Last year I wrote you from clear across the country. Boy, did I miss you! We were apart for a year which is a really long time when you've only had two so far. I was nervous about how things would be between us coming back. We've both grown so much in the last year! The other day I was looking at photos I took of you when you were 6 months old. Time goes by so fast when you're watching children grow. You don't even look like a baby anymore. Sometimes I think you skipped right past toddlerhood and straight to littleboydom.

You have quite the personality. You don't have many words yet but you're really good about showing us what you want. You're definitely TWO in every sense of the word. You make the funniest faces and it's hard not to laugh, even when you give me dirty looks. You're fully aware of your little 'tude too! I think you're trying to understand me and the changes that are taking place. I've got you to where I ask where my baby is and you point to my belly. The funny thing is if I ask where your baby is you lift up your shirt and point to your belly button. Close enough. ;) You've been kinda grumpy toward me the last few weeks, hitting and scratching me. I think you might be a little jealous because I'm staying with Nana and PopPop or maybe it's the baby coming. Either way I know it's temporary. We have fun together too! I think this is going to be such a big year for you! You've been getting more words this month and you love to play and explore. You're very bright. I look forward to seeing all the ways you grow this year. I can't wait to see you be a big cousin to baby Benjamin too! I'm already dreaming about cousin photos. ;)

I love you,

*I may or may not have bribed him with jellybeans but whatever works, right? 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Family Session Favorites | South Ponto Beach: Carlsbad, California

In the previous blog post I mentioned my HypnoBirthing instructor, Carol. She is such a positive person and I've already learned so much from her. This evening I met up with her and her adorable family at South Ponto Beach in Carlsbad, California for a family photo session. Seriously, how cute is her family?! We were nervous about cloud coverage because it's been a bit dreary the last couple of days so we met at 4 pm instead of 5. I'm sure glad we did because it gave us extra time for fun. And they were really fun! I had a great time watching and documenting them play together. So much love! I have a so many "favorites" from this session! I hope you love them, Carol! ♥

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Final Stretch

In so many ways this pregnancy is going incredibly quick. I can't believe I am already in my 34th week! My energy has waxed and waned a lot these last few weeks. I've kept a running list of things to do before baby and have diligently been checking things off every day. This week I have completed the pre-registration forms for the hospital (but still need to turn them in) and have written out our birth preferences. Sometime in the next couple of weeks I need to put the car seat base in the car and pack my bag for the hospital. Other than that I feel as ready as I'm going to be. I couldn't be more excited and anxious to meet our little man!!

Weight gain so far: 22 lbs.

Worst parts of pregnancy: I have considered this entire pregnancy a total blessing but there have been some less than fun parts. I had really bad "morning sickness" throughout the first and half of the second trimesters. I just came to understand that every time I ate I was going to throw it up. It only caused me to miss a couple days of work in the beginning. Then, last month I had a lot of dental work done which disturbed and irritated my mouth. Besides the pain of having a root canal and crown put on I got a terribly case of pregnancy gingivitis. My gums were so swollen and sensitive that it hurt even when I wasn't eating! Thank goodness that ended once we were done with all of the dental work and I'd been treating the symptoms for several weeks.

Best parts of pregnancy: For those of you who haven't been following my blog over the last several years you wouldn't know that I have something called PCOS. I was told years ago that it would most likely take fertility intervention for me to ever have a child so when I say that this is a miracle, it truly is. I have so much joy and every day my heart feels bigger in anticipation for my son. One of my favorite things about this pregnancy is that he is very active and so I feel him everyday, all day long, even still. It helps my nerves to know that he's healthy and doing alright in there. Another favorite part of being pregnant is that it has brought me and my boyfriend so much closer. I am so happy and so in love! I feel incredibly blessed that God has given me these two. ♥
Unless you're really paying attention, one of the things you don't really hear women talk about is their anxiety regarding the changes to their body during pregnancy. All throughout this pregnancy I've embraced the little changes here and there. I love my baby bump and have had fun watching my belly button start to stick out. But then, all of a sudden a few weeks ago, I started getting stretch marks all along the bottom of my stomach. I'm not going to lie - it freaked me out! I've been using BioOil this entire time and was happy with the lone silvery stretch mark but this came as a shock. I saw myself in the mirror and all of a sudden there they were. My sister calls them love marks and I'm trying to embrace this attitude toward them.

Other than working down my to do list I am reading, relaxing, and trying to prepare my mind and body for childbirth. I am using HypnoBirthing to birth my baby and have just attended my 4th of 5 classes with Carol Yeh-Garner. She's a great teacher and I highly recommend her if you're in the San Diego area! As part of the class I am reading the book HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method. I am also currently reading On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep. I read it once as a nanny but that was about 8 years ago so I'm due a refresher. I'm hoping to finish it soon so that I can start on The Nursing Mother's Companion - something I know nothing about as of yet!

Friday, October 12, 2012

2012 Holiday Sessions and New Pricing

I'm currently booking Holiday Photo Sessions! Sessions must take place by October 31st. Serving Orange, San Diego, and parts of San Bernardino counties. I will be in OC and available for sessions Oct. 25 - Oct. 27! Email me with requested times/dates.

♥ $150 package includes: 30 min - 1 hr. photo session on location; 5-10 professionally processed images on CD

♥ $250 package includes: 1 hr. photo session on location, 20+ professionally processed images on CD; 20% off a la carte prints and canvases.

♥ Custom holiday cards available. Contact for details!

Aaaaaaand! New pricing! Each session now includes professionally processed images on CD.

♥ Child & Family: $250; up to 4 people ($25 each additional). 30 min. - 1 hr. photo session; includes 10+ professionally processed images on CD.

♥ Senior | Grad: $300; 1 - 2 hr. photo session; includes 3 looks, 20+ images professionally processed images on CD, and 25 cu
stom graduation announcements (additional announcements available).

♥ Maternity & Newborn: $500; Two 1 - 2 hr. photo sessions: Maternity session (30-35 weeks) & Newborn Session (within the first 14 days); 10+ images professionally processed images per session on CD; 20% off prints, canvases, and announcements.

♥ Newborn Only Option: $300; 1 - 2 hr. in-home photo session within the first 14 days of life; includes 20+ professionally processed images on CD and 25 custom birth announcements. 20% off prints, canvases, and additional announcements.

♥ Wedding | Special Event Packages: Contact for more information.

♥ Model Testing | Commercial | Product Photography: Contact for more information.

Prints and Products
Gift Portraits
8 x 10 - $35
5 x 7 - $25
8 wallets - $20

Wall Portraits (Mounted on ¼ inch foam core) - Contact for Custom Sizes.
30 x 30 - $250
24 x 30 - $200
20 x 20; 20 x 24 - $160
10 x 20; 16 x 20 - $120
12 x 12 - $100
11 x 14 - $80

Fine Art Gallery Wrap Canvas
24 x 30 - $400
16 x 24 - $300
11 x 14 - $200

Announcements | Rep Cards (Includes design fee; Select between Art and Premium Matte finishing)
5 x 7 Flat Cards with Envelopes - $80 for first 25. $50 for every 25 thereafter.
5 x 5 Folded Cards with Envelopes - $100 for first 25. $75 for every 25 thereafter.
5 x 7 Folded Cards with Envelopes - $100 for first 25. $75 for every 25 thereafter.
2 x 3.5 Rep Cards (for Grads) - $50 for 50. $25 for every 50 thereafter.

Love, Joleen Photography is currently serving Orange, San Diego, and parts of San Bernardino counties. For updates and specials Like Us on Facebook!