Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ten Tiny Fingers and Ten Tiny Toes

I'm about to enter my 30th week and I can't believe we've already gotten to this point! I'm constantly looking at photos online and pinning or bookmarking ideas. Sometime in the next month we'll do my maternity photo session and I'm nailing down newborn photo ideas for my son. I cannot wait. 

Preparing for his photos has me thinking about the many newborn sessions I've done for family, friends, or clients. Newborn photo sessions are my very favorite! Capturing all of their new, teeny, tiny, and perfect features from their ten itty bitty fingers and toes to their big round bellies and sweet belly buttons. I love how you can mold them and pose them while they sleep. I love how they smell and how soft they are. It's an honor to capture these moments. Looking back reminds me of how quickly time goes and babies grow. 

Last Christmas, when visiting my family here in California, I had an opportunity to visit my friend, Claudia, and her sweet new baby boy, Nathan. I am revisiting photos from our mini photo session and wanted to share a few of my favorites. ♥

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